About Us
Rethinking Rare Disease Treatment with Systematic Serendipity
ASPIRE BIOSCIENCES aims to find new treatments for unaddressed and rare diseases, by creating and nurturing working partnerships between rare disease patient organisations and drug development companies. Based on several success stories, we’ve designed the Systematic Serendipity methodology, which significantly shifts the cost-benefit function of rare disease treatments, facilitating economically viable development. It involves harnessing both human and machine intelligence to identify relevant assets in drug development companies, and then partnering patient organisations with the companies around these opportunities. This approach effectively eliminates search costs, streamlines key steps in the drug development process, and makes it significantly more cost-effective and therefore potentially viable. We implement it through specialized partnering events, and a searchable database enabling both human searchers and algorithms to match company assets with target diseases.
Get in touch with us to discuss our upcoming events, as well as the opportunity to showcase relevant assets on our database.
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Our Story
Our founder, Dr. Ron Jortner, is a computational and systems neuroscientist whose academic path spanned Caltech (US), the Hebrew University (Israel), the Max Planck Society (Germany), and the MRC laboratory of molecular biology (UK). Over years of working within the biomedical ecosystem, consulting to the pharma industry, and serving as trustee of a rare disease charity, he encountered countless devastating rare conditions with no treatment options. At the same time, he recognized the difficult reality of pharma companies unable to commercially justify resource allocation towards rare disease R&D or repurposing.
Having witnessed several anecdotal success stories, which all shared a major component of serendipity, he designed the Systematic Serendipity methodology to bridge this Valley of Death by shifting the cost-benefit function of rare-disease drug development. The approach rapidly drew interest from drug development companies, rare disease patient groups, and investors. Subsequently, Ron founded Aspire Biosciences, which implements this methodology via specialised partnering events, a searchable database and AI platform. Aspire Biosciences thus harnesses both human and machine intelligence to identify drug development opportunities, and pursues them through nurturing working partnerships between rare disease patient organisations and drug development companies. This forms the basis of our work.
+44 - 7999 061317